Above photo courtesy of Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) and Japan Broadcasting Corporation (NHK)
Here the reader/researcher can find reports of the strange and unusual that have been reported to the Florida UFO Network. So, if you have had an anomalous experience, a Sasquatch encounter or something else that defies explanation feel free to report it to the Florida UFO Network so we may share it here on this page.
"light tubes"
I thought you might be interested in my strange experience. This happened in Dec.'99 in Altamonte Springs, FL. I had just moved into that apartment with my son and he told me he had duty that weekend and would be gone (he is with the National Guard here). Almost at once, I knew "they" would come?? This was an instant, strong intuitive punch beyond doubt. He left on Friday afternoon and though I was very apprehensive I went to bed around 9 p.m. and fell asleep at once. My only "precaution" was to leave the door to the living room open, which I could see from bed. Approximately an hour later I awoke with the feeling 'they're here' and opened my eyes and saw in the living room several forms. they were light tubes, about 6" square and 6 - 7' tall. I watched them for a few moments rather marveling at their novelty, then I turned over and went back to sleep! At 1 p.m. awoke with a jerk astounded! Everything was normal, felt fine as well as safe but knew beyond a shadow of a doubt they had been here for real ------ I was more amazed at my passivity/acceptance than anything, but I realized I must have already been "zapped" when I awoke and saw them. I got up and looked around but know they were gone and wouldn't return ... and indeed have never seen them since. I never had any recall of anything more, no insight nor message. Thanks.
The Following Five Photos/Videos are Due To The Courtesy Of Telegram Contributors
From a witness in a Northern State